Weekly AnnouncementsUpcoming Activities Resourcesfor Cadets.

This page is updated weekly with annoucments, upcoming activities and important information for current cadets of 94 Squadron.


Cadet Information

This page is updated weekly with annoucments, upcoming activities and important information for current cadets of 94 Squadron.

Weekly Announcements

Announcements for Wednesday May 1, 2024:

  1. Training Night - Wednesday May 1 at Newmarket High School 6:30-9:15pm. Dress is FTU's.

  2. Optional Training - Monday Apr 29 at the Optimist Hall 7:00-9:00pm..

  3. Spring Gliding - Please see information below for our Spring Gliding.



UPDATE: How to Sign Up for Activities through our Squadron Website

As of April 1st, all cadets now have an account to sign in to our Squadron Website to be used to sign up for activities.

Your username is your Cadet365 email address (ends with "@cdt.cadets.gc.ca")

The default password is "Cadets123".

If you are unable to login, please see the Website Help Guide: https://94aircadets.ca/index.php/website-help-guide-faqs

If you still can't sign in, please email Capt Wilson (andrew.wilson@cadets.gc.ca)

Upcoming Activities

Spring Gliding
Optional Training

Please login to register for this activity

Squadron Calendar

NOTE: The purpose of the Squadron Shared Google Calendar is to help provide a long term forecast on when training dates will be scheduled. Dates, times, and locations may change! Always check the specific activity page or the weekly announcements for the most current details - not the Google Calendar.